Heavenly - better than Starbucks - Pumpkin Sourdough Loaf

Heavenly - better than Starbucks - Pumpkin Sourdough Loaf

Jules Little

I love using pumpkin in my kitchen. I even use it for my chili recipe! But one thing I wanted to do for my journey to baking exclusively with Einkorn was coming up with an amazing pumpkin sourdough loaf, with just the right amount of sweetness.

My husband especially loves sweet things (me, duh!) but being a nearly life-long Type 1 diabetic means that I get to adapt more of my recipes to be a bit more... friendly for his health, and of course mine. 

So try this recipe out and discover how the secret ingredients - Einkorn & Coconut Sugar - can make this your new favorite fall and holiday treat while getting a boost of nutritional benefits and low glycemic impacts.

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